We had a smooth day last Thursday for our bi-annual faculty workshop day, regardless of the snow falling outside. And although the snow made it tough traveling for everyone coming to and from campus, it sure was pretty.
The day started with an inspirational welcome from Kate Midday, one of our three 2011 NISOD Award of Excellence winners (other 2011 winners are Don Curfman and Ted Erski), and ended with a smorgasbord of excellent break-out sessions led both by our adjunct and full time faculty as well as one of our administrators. In between we had sessions led by seasoned MCC faculty, brand spanking new MCC faculty, and visiting faculty Jeff Clark from Sommerset Community College in Kentucky;
and we hosted our first "Colleague Connectivity" poster session. If you weren't able to make it, we hope to see you at our next faculty workshop day in August (though you don't have to wait until then to check out what great faculty development opportunities are on this semester's calendar--visit
InsideMCC and click the "got training?" button at the bottom of the page under Professional Development).
And to all of you, have a great first day of the Spring 2012 semester!
Morning Breakout Session "Veterans in the Classroom" |
Don Curfman (far left), Jeff Clark (far right), and two MCC student veterans, Mike and Craig |
"Colleague Connectivity" poster session in the MCC Commons |
Joe Baumann of Institutional Research and nursing faculty Angela Sass show off their tables |