Our apologies for such a belated re-cap of the Spring Faculty Development Day--after January 10th and the following mini-conference on the 11th, we all got a little swept away in the start of the new semester. We're sure you all got swept away, too, but we hope you're floating on nicely now and have had a chance to catch your breath.
From our perspective, January 10th went along quite well! From the morning "Outside the Classroom" sessions...
Peter Ponzio talks Charles Dickens |
John Peters talks family history |
Dawn Valdes-Wagner talks Arab Emirates |
Jim Gould talks family obstacles |
Kate Midday talks princesses (or not...) |
David White talks teaching abroad |
...and the "Inside the Classroom Sessions" that were all mapped back to our four
Excellence in Teaching tenants (Subject Matter, Pedagogy, Assessment, and Professionalism)...
iClickers in the Classroom |
MOOCs: Friend or Foe? |
ConnectMath |
Smart Board Technology and Practice |
The new Learning Management System (LMS), Canvas |
Assessment |
Teaching Outside the Lines |
The Socratic Method |
...to the College Update and Colleague Connectivity "Beyond the Classroom" sessions:
Dr. Vicky Smith |
Dr. Tony Miksa |
We also had five terrific sessions for anyone who could stay past dinner, although I didn't get any pictures because I was leading a session on "Reaching the Modern Student" for a terrific audience of part time and full time faculty members. We also had re-run Smart Board, ConnectMath, and LMS/Canvas sessions, and an Adjunct 101 session for our brand new adjunct faculty members.
The Adjunct 101, led by Robin Deak and Christina Swanson, is consistently popular and consistently useful. If you're an adjunct faculty member and interested in learning more about our Adjunct Orientation (which will be Monday evenings this Spring!), then
contact Robin for more information.
Our Friday mini-conference--the first of its kind--drew just a handful of faculty members, but the sessions went very well and we'll continue to offer this the Friday after workshop days so that interested faculty can get in a bit of development before the semester begins.
Check back here later in the week for more posts on using skits and performance to reinforce concepts, and our classrooms outside of campus!
To see the What's New in Faculty Development presentation that we didn't have time for on January 10, please click here!