Friday, March 06, 2015

Meditation and Mental Health

Are you feeling like you need a bit of quiet reflection in your day?

Join us for a workshop on Meditation and Mental Health--a collaboration of the student organization Psi Beta, MCC's Health & Wellness department, and the Office of Professional Development: 

Meditation and Mental Health
Thursday, March 12, 2015
2:30 - 3:50 p.m.
Luecht Conference Center, MCC

This will be an interactive workshop from the perspective of positive psychology. Learn more about the mind-body relationship, and how individuals can develop strategies to cope with stress, anxiety, and depression more effectively through the use of meditation.

Susan Hannan, M.A. (MCC Instructor of Psychology), and Bhante Sujatha, who is an abbot at the Blue Lotus Temple in Woodstock will lead the workshop. The session will end with a meditation led by Bhante Sujatha.

Bhante Sujatha, abbot at the Blue Lotus Temple in Woodstock

Thursday, March 05, 2015

Infobite: Database Citation Feature

This is part of the Infobite Series: Bites of Information from the MCC Library:

Many of the library subscription databases have a citation feature that will cite in MLA, APA, and, frequently, other styles. While these citations are not always perfect, they’re pretty good and quite a time saver.

In the EBSCO databases, you can find a citation through several functions in the right hand frame: the Print, E-mail, and Cite functions. In ProQuest, click on Cite above the article. Look around in other databases to find their citation features!

For more info on citing, see our Citing Sources page that is attached to all of our Research Guides.

Are you interested in having an MCC librarian talk to your class about information literacy? Contact them now!

The McHenry County College Library--Visit Us Today!

Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Career Services Has a New Tool

Contributed by Evette Thompson from MCC Career Services:
Career Services has a new tool called InterviewStream, which can be utilized in classrooms and/or the comfort of your own home. 

This new tool is available for students, faculty, and staff. The benefits of InterviewStream are the helpful interview tips for posture, how to correctly answer questions, becoming familiar with video interviewing, and the ability to critique yourself afterwards. This useful tool is compatible with phones, tables, and computers as long as there is a webcam attached.

InterviewStream would be an excellent tool if your class is conducting mock interviews or is practicing presentation styles--it would also be great if you want to brush up on your own techniques if you're anticipating an interview for a professional organization, conference presentation, or something else.