Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Getting Things Done at MCC

October is the month to Get Things Done!

We now have six copies of Getting Things Done by national bestselling author, David Allen down in Professional Development (A210) for you to borrow and peruse. Our own Timothy Linehan has been presenting a workshop based an Allen's theories, and he will be re-running this popular GTD session on October 22.

Getting Things Done (or GTD) is a time-management protocol. Although it might sound boring, the method has attracted such a passionate following that some have (half-jokingly) accused GTD of reaching a cult-like status.
Widely-adopted in fields such as information technology and business management, the GTD craze has not fully reached academic circles. This workshop seeks to remedy that problem. Overflowing inbox? Cluttered workspace? Forgotten deadlines? Stop worrying and start Getting Things Done.

Timothy's workshop on October 22 is appropriate both for newcomers and previous GTD workshop participants in need of a refresher. And as someone who is a convert, I highly recommend this session.

Register through the Professional Development auto-registration, now!