Friday, May 09, 2014

Excellence In Teaching Showcase, Part 2

At the end of the Fall 2013 semester, we had an Excellence In Teaching Showcase during one of our Fifth Tuesday meetings. We collected your note cards, which detailed an activity, assignment, project, or approach you use in your classroom that mapped back to one of the E.T. tenants of subject matter, pedagogy, assessment, and professionalism.

We promised to share those note cards with you, and here's the second of what we hope to be many posts!

Contributed by the MCC reference librarians and edited by Kate Kramer:

Got a research project or paper for your class? The librarians would LOVE to help!! They can create a research guide in support of your discipline, course or specific project. Check out this research guide that was competed for a research project in GEL 110 (Geology of the National Parks). Contact the library at 815-455-8762 or to discuss your options.

So,  take advantage of the time you have this summer and work with our terrific reference team on a Lib Guide for your class!