Saturday, June 08, 2013

Dr. Dow’s Spring Break

Contributed by Beverly Dow, Instructor of Biology

At the end of March, I went to Costa Rica with my husband and two other couples. A trip to the tropical rainforest is a required item on the bucket list of any plant ecologist, and I figured I’d better get down there while there was rainforest left to see.

We spent 5 days at an ecotourist resort called La Paloma Lodge on Drake Bay (Pacific Ocean). There were no cars on our side of the Rio Aguitas. We toured the Corcovado rainforest, snorkeled off Caño Island, boated through a mangrove swamp, and did a night hike with the Bug Lady. I took 692 pictures of leaves, flowers, fruits, tree, monkeys, sloths, hermit crabs, birds, lizards, spiders, insects, and on and on!

The rarest thing we saw was an ocelot on the night hike. I will certainly be able to spruce up my ecology lectures for next fall!

To see some of the pictures and read about my trip, check out the March posts on my blog, Fiacre's Spade.  You can also read about our garden, cooking experiments, laying hens, and new adventure in raising meat chickens.

Have you taken a trip this summer that you're planning on working into your class? Let us know! And if you write your own personal blog, e-mail us the link so we can add it to the Faculty Blogs list (on the left-hand column here). We'd love to know what you're up to!