Yesterday afternoon I got a message from Deborah Firak, one of the hundreds of extraordinary faculty members here at MCC who go above and beyond their students' needs to deliver content in innovative and exciting ways.
Deb, who teaches biology, shared a video with me that she made "for [her] students to memorize the structures of the heart & circulatory system." She wrote a "ditty" to help them remember this important information, and then she put that song to work in this video, which is, for lack of a better word, adorable. Please watch it:
Now that you're bopping your head to those dancing little blood droplets and know a bit about the heart and circulatory system, send me a message to let me know what you have been up to. Because guess what? You're also one of the hundreds of extraordinary faculty members here at MCC, and you go above and beyond your students' needs to deliver content in innovative and exiting ways. So let's hear about it!